Автор Тема: Moritur (Georgia) + other old metal band from Georgia and Caucasus  (Прочитано 14690 раз)

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Оффлайн jnfernal

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Hello! I am making some research on obscure hard rock/metal/thrash/death bands from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijian

The most notable name is Moritur/Моритур

They released one demo in 1989 and one tape-album in 1993 called "Black Death"

Unfortunately I can not find any information except one video on youtube ("1984") and a link to the new minimal-synth-electro project of one of the band's member:


Where can I find their demo and tape album?

Plus, do you have any other information about these bands?


მძიმე ჯვარი (Heavy Cross): Just want to know if there is any recordings between 1988-1995
Bedlami / ბედლამი (1988-1990): ???? maybe they were punk
Crossbow / Arbaleti / არბალეტი (1986-1987): ???
Komendantis Saati / კომენდანტის საატი :  maybe they were punk
Moritur / Моритур / Crying Future: Demo 1989
Moritur / Моритур / Crying Future: Black death Tape 1993


Aspet: I see their name here and there. Did they record anything?
Blastwave: thrash/speed
Credo: ????
Eden: ????
Ellips / Эллипс:  ????
Messiah (1991): ????
Soma: ????
Sparapet:  ????
Tessilck / Tesilk / Тесилк: I wonder if their early stuff was hard rock or boring rock
Titan: ????


Aerokorba / аэрокобра:  ????
Bez Grima:   ?????
Chernyi Gorod/Black City:  ?????
Komendantskij Chas / Комендантский Час:  ????
Running Wild:  ????
Shok / Шок:  ????
Talisman:  ?????
Tyazhelyij Sluchay / Тяжелый случай: ????

If you have some information about these bands, please share them, thanx :)

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